Creditors' Agreement n.31 / 2013Court of Perugia
The Liquidator of the aforementioned Procedure informs about the sale of SINGLE LOT - COMPANY:
The company is composed of real estate, equipment, machinery, office furniture and anything else described in detail in the appraisal is estimated and in the documents attached to it, prepared by the expert appointed by the Court of Perugia.Business complex located in Corciano (PG)
Exclusions: the company compendium for sale consists of the real estate and the furniture described above. Nothing else falling within the ownership or legal sphere of the concordat company and to be considered in the offer. More specifically, receivables and payables of all kinds and kinds, debts, rights, cash deposits and securities or any other item not specifically indicated as being offered for sale are excluded. It should be noted that the company, rented from 2013 without a break, has no responsibility for any employee.
Auction base price € 1,500,000.00 equal to the irrevocable purchase offert submitted by a third party company and addressed to the Procedure. This proposal was accompanied by a deposit of 20% of the offered price for 300,000 euro (three hundred thousand).
The irrevocable purchase offers must be delivered at the office of the Giudiziale liquidator in Foligno (PG) within and not later than the 16.09.2019 at midday.
As stated in the notice of sale: "[...] the company object of this announcement of sale appears to have been leased to a third party company starting from 04.29.2013 with a contract registered in Perugia on 06.052.2013 at no. 9452 brought to the natural expiry date of 02.05.2019 and replaced with a private concession agreement for registered use in Perugia on 06.05.2013 at no. 9452 brought to the natural deadline of 02.05.2019 and replaced with a private concession writing in use registered in Foligno on 13.05.2019 at no. 496 series 3, currently valid, which now governs the relationship between the procedure and the tenant of the company and which explicitly establishes the fact that it will be up to any potential interested party to request an inspection of the compendium offered for sale to verify its characteristics and compliance to the needs. These accesses will be agreed with the Judicial Liquidator who will take care of the organizational phase. "
For all information about the goods being sold and how to present the offers, register for free on the site and download from the documentation section:
- Avviso di vendita (Notice of sale)
- Proposta irrevocabile di acquisto (Irrevocable purchase offer)
- All.2 e All.3 perizie di stima (Asset evaluation)
- All.4 inventario beni mobili (List of assets)
- All.5. Scrittura privata in uso cessione azienda (company disposal use)