Are you looking for an used food processing oven? You are on the right place! On Industrial Discount you can find used processing ovens of many kind: convention, modular, linear ovens and many more; and a wide choice of brands: Real Forni, Polin, Vidana and others! Our ovens for restaurants and food companies are perfectly suitable for those who need to make a high-quality purchase, without spending too much. The online auctions are organized for the involuntary sale of goods belonging to bankruptcy procedures and company liquidations; this results in a price much lower than what can be obtained for the sale in the normal market. Attending our auctions is a great way to save a great amount on your purchase of an used food processing oven for your business. Discover the advantages of our website! All relevant information are available at your fingertips: each item is supplied with a full description, technical specifications and sale documents that you can download and review at any time; if you wish to inspect the item before making your offer, you can contact the auction agent, whose details are provided on the auction sheet. Use the filters to show only the items of your interest: you can even refine your research further by price or percentage of discount. If you need any further information, you can contact us via our live chat support system. We will be happy to answer all the questions you may have and will support you through each step of the negotiation to make sure that attending our auctions is a great experience for you. Don't wait any further: register for free and make your offer now to get the best used food processing oven at the cheapest price!
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Lot composed of n 1 LOGIUDICE gas oven n 1 PAVAILLER FRATELLI MONZANI gas rotary oven n 40 red plastic baskets for food n 1 POLIN DRAGO gas oven year 1995 n 1 POLIN ROTO gas rotary oven year 1995 trolleys for transporting bakery trays and shelves SALES NOTE an on site inspection is recommended to verify the heights of the equipment in case of collection NOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day 5 days collection may be difficult given the size of the premises an on site inspection is recommendedAuction carried out through an asynchronous sale procedure pursuant to art 25 D M 32 2015 The offer will be considered valid following the payment of the deposit From the How It Works section consult the Manuale d uso per la vendita asincrona ex art 25 D M 32 2015
Lot consisting of 2 ovens for bakery products Mq24 ESMACH and baking frame for ESMACH ovenNOTES FOR COLLECTION maximum time for collection activities to take place from the agreed day 1 dayAuction carried out through an asynchronous sale procedure pursuant to art 25 D M 32 2015 The offer will be considered valid following the payment of the deposit From the How It Works section consult the Manuale d uso per la vendita asincrona ex art 25 D M 32 2015