Proc. No. 9424/2014 / R.G. G.I.P. n. 287/2016
Sale of n. 1,450,000 shares with a nominal value of € 1,000.00 of MED S.P.A. tax code 02500830399, based in Cervia (RA) Via Beneficio II, Tronco 57, fraz. Montaletto, representing 98.93% of the share capital of € 1,501,000.00.
The shares subject of this auction were subject to judicial seizure by the Court of Perugia by decree of 19.02.2018.
Basic auction price of the shares € 520,000.00 in addition to the simultaneous payment of € 400,000.00 for the reimbursement of the bridge finance.
Abilio will be responsible for preparing and managing a Virtual Dara Room designed to upload confidential documents relating to the company whose shares are offered for sale. The Data Room is designed to allow those interested in purchasing the complex for sale, access to information regarding the business management and the current and future economic, equity and financial situation of the company. This access will be allowed only after signing a non-disclosure agreement, to be sent, signed and accompanied by the required documents, to the certified email address of Abilio
For the purposes of the validity of the offer, the interested party must also send Mod. 1) Self-certification of the anti-mafia communication and Mod. 3) Substitutive declaration for cohabitants, attached to the auction page, completed and signed in all their parts.
Abilio applies a commission calculated with a regressive method by brackets on the award value.
For further information, please read the attachments
- Notice of sale and form A)
- Due diligence regulations and attached forms for DD regulation
- VDR authorization
- NDA Abilio
- Mod 1) Self-certification of anti-mafia communication and Mod 3) Substitutive declaration of cohabitants