Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
Liquidazione Coatta Amministrativa no. 216/2019
Sale in compliance with art 107 co.1 L.F.
13/04/2022: We inform you that, with regard to the announcement concerning the quota and the credit belonging to the Administrative Compulsory Liquidation No. 216/2019, the passages where the appraisal is quoted must not be taken into consideration. Please read the amendment document.
Sale of the following assets pertaining to the procedure:
- shareholding of 36.18% of the share capital of Immobiliare Andrea Costa srl ??with registered office in Forlì Via Luigi Galvani 17 Cap 47122 VAT = Tax Code = 02690770405 REA FO 285351 share capital € 10,000.00 i, v. The activity carried out is that of purchase, sale, exchange, management, construction and renovation, enhancement of properties of any type and nature;
- credit for a total of Euro 198,787.91 due from Immobiliare Andrea Costa srl.
It is specified that:
- The Procedure received a purchase offer at the price of € 3,618.00 for the stake held in Immobiliare Andrea Costa srl ??for 36.18% and € 110,000.00 plus charges for the receivable due from Immobiliare Andrea Costa srl
- The Procedure intends to launch a sales experiment by placing the irrevocable purchase offer received as the basic auction price, the procedures for which are indicated in the notice of sale.
The Legal Receiver will notify the investee companies, as well as the shareholders, of the outcome of the auction, in order to exercise the right of pre-emption.
For more information see
- Notice of sale
- Budget dossier